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In the Summer of 1914 I was walking across the Highland Park Garage. There were two cars standing in there. Mr. Ford waved to me and said, “Joe, get in here!” I didn’t have any hat or coat on, but I got into the car,. and I didn’t get back to Detroit for three days. When we started out, I did.n ‘t know where we were going.
We landed up in North Harbor Beach, Mr, Ford had a log cabin at Harbor Beach. Before we got up to the cottage, Mr. Ford stopped at the grocery store and bought some bacon, eggs, and went over lo a fish place where he got some fresh Codfish. He bought a dozen or so Perch and we then went out to his Log Cabin
We stayed there for three days before we went back. The roads in those days were not very good; they were not gravel hue sand. l\fr. Ford seemed lo want lo drive faster going Home than he did coming up. He told the driver lo step on it. When the driver wouldn’t go fast enough, he would grab old Model T throttle so that the car was wide open.
I was about a Hundred feet behind Mr. Ford and Frank Kulick. We came to a hill, and I thought his car was going too fast for a car in that sandy road. All at once I saw the car going end for end, and Mr. Ford was dumped out in the ditch.
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