As I have been going to more shows, I have seen that many show goers mount their 2brl scoops incorrectly. After a recent post in our group, I thought it would be good to record the best answer in our archive.

Answer: They’re supposed to face backwards. People make the mistake of facing them forwards to add “ram induction” so to speak, but they actually making the carburetors perform worse.
Stromberg 97’s, 48’s, 40’s and 81’s we designed to operate from what’s called a “still box” meaning air that is not flowing except for what the engine draws in. So when you “force” air in by facing the scoops forward you’re actually cause disturbance in the flow rather than improving it. When you face them backwards you, you’re for the most part still drawing at least semi still air as compared to facing forwards. There were lots of mistakes early hot rodders got wrong in regards to performance mods on Stromberg carburetors such as removing the choke plates to “improve air flow”. You should always leave them in because they’re strategically placed to guide the air flow directly across the emulsion tubes for better fuel atomization. With all this being said…..yes you can face the scoops forward and the engine will run. Yes, you can remove the chokes and again the engine will run. I’m not saying it won’t work that way, just saying that they perform better when used as designed….
Posted by Matt Werksman