If your looking to for braided primary wire for your restoration, The Brillman Company might just be the best vendor we have found for the stuff. They have a wide selection of colors and the wires are available from 6-18 gauge. So they can supply just about anything you need for your project or to keep your shop spooled for a while. They also offer a wide range of ignition wires and accessories to insure your wiring job looks just the way you imagined. There website make is pretty easy to get what you need locked in or you can give them a call and talk to an actual human being. Just like the olden days. Toll free: 888-274-5562
They also have a very impressive selection of 7mm 7.8mm and 9mm Cotton Braid Spark Plug Wire (Has Copper Conductor & PVC Insulation with 1 Layer of Cotton Braid & Lacquer, Manufactured In The USA By The Brillman Company.

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