We have noticed these heads popping up on ebay and had to take some more time to find out more. I have been keeping an eye on the original Evans for some time, because I was looking for information for our intake blog. The company sadly seems to have folded up. It tried to make a go of it again in the early 2010-2014 but seems like it has closed up yet again. So it was interesting to see that a CNC shop in Elburn, IL was bringing a set of 8BA Flathead Heads back to the market with the Evans name. Turns out there is no connection between the two at all, that we can find. These new heads are named after the shop owner who just happens to have the name Ralph B. Evans. His machine shop offers the heads for around $699.00 a set. Which is a pretty competitive price. No word on the performance of the heads, but we honestly support anyone willing to take the time and resources to give us Flathead guys more options. We would love to get our hands on a set and see how they perform.
More info:
1949 to 1953 Aluminum Ford Flathead cylinder heads. Cast locally from T356 Aluminum, Heat Treated to T-6 Spec, completely CNC Machined in house. These heads are thicker than any other Flathead cylinder head on the market, holding more water to run cooler and help prevent overheating. Comes with machined 65cc Combustion Chamber.

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