Barney Navarro started machining Weiand speed equipment right before he started making his own in 1947. He was a pioneer in the evolution of the Flathead. He improved everything he touched. From help designing the runners of his manifold to enter the block at a 45 degree angle to act as an extension of the ports to making his manifold have a 180 degree pattern to distribute the fuel equally. He also made many improvements to his cylinder heads as well. If you would like some more info on Navarro Check out this link. (CLICK HERE)
Sadly Barney has gone to that dry lake in the sky, but his legacy continues at H&H Flathead’s in La Crescenta California. Mike has gone to great lengths to keep the brand going and continues to produces some of the best intakes and OHV kits on the market today.
H&H has been a day-one supporter of The Flat-Spot and that is why we’re so excited to announce that The Flat-Spot will be offering some H&H monthly specials, exclusively for our members.
For the Month of Sept 2019 our members can get $25.00 off on a Navarro 3×2 intake. Just use Promo-Code “The Flat-Spot” in the comments when ordering or let mike know you’re a Flat-Spot member on the phone. The Flat-Spot wouldn’t be as strong as it is today without help from great shops and builders like H&H Flatheads and Mike Herman. So lets give them all the support we can.

H&H Flatheads Headquarters
4451 Ramsdell Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
- Monday – Friday 7:30am to 3:00pm
- (818) 248-2371
- (818) 248-0161

Not a member yet? Get started today and find out more about Premium Membership HERE. Start saving right away with dealers like Classic Instruments.
If you have any great items you would like to share with us please let us know. We’re also looking for products to review in person for our members.